Flash Foxy’s Intro to Multi-pitch* course equips climbers with the know-how to climb and descend from routes longer than one rope-length. This course covers essentials like building multi-pitch anchors, taking the roles of leader and follower, rappelling from a multi-pitch route, staying safe and organized during transitions at anchors, and solving basic problems on routes. Our instructors will provide low-risk environments for practice and review the skills you need to continue your practice after the course. We’ll also discuss navigation, what to bring, and how to plan for your adventures.
This is a skills-intensive course, and we’ll focus on learning fundamentals on the ground, then practicing those skills in a low-risk vertical setting with review and feedback from our instructors. Most of our course time will be spent working on skills with very little rock climbing, so come prepared with comfortable but capable shoes!
*Multi-pitch climbing is a form of lead climbing. The climbers and rope all start at the bottom, and the first climber (the leader) clips the rope to anchor points (i.e. removable protection or permanent hardware) as they ascend the wall. At the top, the climber establishes a more robust anchor and belays the second climber up. The second climber removes the rope from the points the leader clipped on their way up. After both climbers reach the more robust anchor, one of them leads the next pitch, and this process continues until the climbers reach the top of the route. Climbers and belayers must be aware of a number of additional factors while leading and belaying leading, including the potential for more impactful falls.
Participants must have top roped a minimum of ten climbs on at least three separate occasions (indoor or outdoors). Proficiency in belaying someone on top rope, and some experience lead belaying or mock leading - for example, in Flash Foxy’s Sport Climbing 101 course or Intro to Trad course - is required. Experience sport climbing (indoors or outdoors) and/or following trad climbs is helpful but not required.
*Have a working knowledge of key equipment, including climbing shoes, harnesses, helmets, chalk, climbing rope, slings/cordelette, carabiners, quickdraws and alpine draws, assisted and non-assisted belay/rappel devices, and friction cords.
*Practice building common multi-pitch anchors on bolts and with natural features.
*Understand techniques to add safety for both a leader and a follower in multi-pitch terrain.
*Be proficient in belaying a follower from an anchor at the top of a pitch using a variety of belay devices.
*Practice (mock) leading and following a multi-pitch route, including clipping gear, managing the rope, building anchors, securing oneself to anchors, belaying a follower, cleaning gear from a pitch, and communicating as a team.
*Practice multi-pitch transitions when alternating leaders and when leading in blocks (same leader on consecutive pitches).
*Practice transitions from climbing to rappelling, as well as transitions for multiple rappels in a row.
*Be proficient in rappelling using an extended belay device and third hand.
*Be knowledgeable about route planning, navigation, and what to bring on multi-pitch outings.
*Connect with other climbers interested in multi-pitch climbing.